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- Tomasz Stefaniszyn,
I’m happy to answer all of your questions.
- Tomasz Stefaniszyn, COO

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    Software Development

    We build outstanding products with amazing people for exceptional customers


    We’ll help you transform your concept into a Minimum Viable Product – a basic, functional version of your software. This allows you to test your idea in the market, gather valuable user feedback, and make informed decisions for your product’s future development. 

    “Equiqo as a software development partner was instrumental in building our product. Their extensive experience in creating MVP was crucial in bringing our full platform to market”.

    Sven Galander
    COO / Co-Founder

    Full Product

    We’ll guide you from your initial idea through to a fully functional, market-ready software product. We’ll handle everything from design and development to testing and launch, ensuring a high-quality solution that meets your business needs and delights your users.

    Equiqo’s technical skills, combined with their understanding of our business needs, led to the delivery of a product that exceeded our expectations.

    Abdo Istanbouli
    GM Hair Professional GCC

    Whether you want to build your MVP or Full Product we’re here to help you


    Budget Buddy

    AI Powered

    Use our calculator to get your rough estimates and an overview of a process. 

    How can we help you?

    – Tomasz Stefiniszyn, COO

    System Integrations

    Whether you need to integrate existing systems or create a new unified platform, our team of experts will make your systems talk to each other.
    We deliver:
    Software Integration
    We integrate various software applications into a single, coordinated system, ensuring seamless data flow and improved efficiency.
    APIs Development
    We design, develop and maintain your APIs so you can easily connect with external systems.
    Data Integration
    We integrate data from various sources, ensuring consistent, accurate, and up-to-date information across your business.

    Refactoring & Maintenance


    Efficiency is our core value, and we're obsessed with it. Our aim is to ensure your software is cost-effective, stable, and secure in the long run.


    We've enhanced the performance of dozens of systems, from straightforward e-commerce solutions to complex platforms across various sectors, serving millions of users worldwide.


    With our expertise and resources, we're prepared to elevate your software to the next level. We eliminate your technical debt, optimize the code structure, and, following that, provide comprehensive maintenance.

    “Mobile apps hold a special place in my heart – I have a genuine passion for crafting outstanding solutions that users can readily enjoy, no matter where they are, right at their fingertips”

    Alicja Ogonowska
    – Mobile App Tech Lead / Expert Flutter

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    Interested in working together?

    Explore how we can help

    - Tomasz Stefaniszyn, COO
    Contact us